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11 December 2023 14:00-15:30The Park Södra

Dataspelsbranschen invites you to a member meeting on the current topic of radicalisation and influence attempts in games.

The secretariat’s understanding is that while the volume of the problem maybe limited it is worth taking seriously. There has been significant attention to the topic in the media and in various reports this year. 

At this meeting, experts will share their findings from research and reports and members will have the opportunity to ask questions, share learnings and discuss.

The meeting will be held in English.


Dominik Sweicicki, Psychological Defence Agency (Myndigheten för psykologiskt försvar)

Jesper Falkheimer, Lund University 

Åsa Mitchell, EXPO

Aya Winssi, Sverok

Recent report on foreign malign influence through game platforms by Lund University (published by Sweden’s Psychological Defence Agency): Publikationer - Myndigheten för psykologiskt försvar (

Recent reports on radicalization in games by investigative journalism foundation EXPO: Fulspel - högerextremism inom gamingvärlden |


Monday Dec 11th, 14:00 - 15:30


Location: Dataspelsbranschen Secretariat, The Park Södra, Magnus Ladulåsgatan 3, Stockholm (please enter via the café, the front desk is inside). 

It is also possible to attend online via Zoom. Link to the meeting is found in your registration confirmation. 

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